A Reference Site for UK Mechanical Industrial Time Recorders |
British Time Recorders Ltd
This company was incorporated in 1917 (company number 147090), registered at 149 Farringdon Road London EC. They were not really a manufacturer of clocks, but primarily a large independent distributor and service provider for International Time Recording Company, National Time Recorder Company, and possibly also Gledhill-Brook clocks.
In their early days they did sell clocks branded as BeTaR, which appear to be their own customised versions of National Time Recorder machines, with whom they must have had a close business partnership. |
The company was acquired by Blick around 1964, and changed it's name to British Time Ltd in 1981, and although still registered it's address is now listed as Stanley House, Bramble Road, Swindon, so the assumption is that it was acquired by the Stanley Group, along with Blick in 2004.
Many ITR and NTR clocks can be found with their dials displaying the British Time Recorders name, and also with their service labels - here are two examples:
A BTR Service Label on an ITR clock: |
The BTR name on an NTR clock dial: |
Here are some photographs of a very nice early (circa 1918) BeTaR branded autograph recorder clock kindly sent to me by Eric Blake from Sydney, Australia:
Here is a photograph of a BeTaR branded dial recorder sent to me by Stephen Frampton, which is currently on display at the IBM Hursley Park Museum (please go to links for more details):