
Cincinatti Time Recorders PosterCincinatti time recorderThe Cincinatti Time Recorder Company was formed in 1896 by a doctor who was previously also running a clock business, helped by Mr Gamble (of Proctor and Gamble) whose wife had been treated by the doctor. The company successfully manufactured and sold time recorders throughout the 20th century, remaining independant until being bought out by Amano in the early 1990's. The company now trades independantly again under the name 'Cincinatti Time Systems'.

Their machines are rare in the UK as they were not actively imported or marketed, but were possibly used by USA companies and subsiduaries setting up factories here.

Here are photos of a circa 1915 Cincinatti 'Job Timer' which I believe was used at the first UK Ford assembly plant at Trafford Park in Manchester which opened in 1911, and later moved to the Dagenham plant in 1931:

Cincinatti time recorder Cincinatti time recorder
Cincinatti time recorder dial Cincinatti time recorder
Cincinatti time recorder mechanism