Dey Time Register Company

Dr Alexander Dey was educated at Aberdeen and Cambridge Universities, and was one Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools in Scotland for 30 years from 1873.

He invented and patented the dial recorder in 1888 while living in Glasgow, Scotland. While he continued to reside there, he and his brother John Dey formed the Dey Patents Company in Syracuse New York in 1893, which became the Dey Time Register Company around 1900. Dr Alexander Dey moved to Syracuse in 1903 to give his full attention to the manufacture of his inventions. The company was acquired by the International Time Recording Company in 1907.

Howard Bros Brochure


The Howard Brothers established a company in the UK in 1896 to market Dey Time Registers, and later registered 'Dey Time Registers Ltd' (UK company registration number 98801) in 1907. This company then became 'International Time Recording Co Ltd' in 1912.

It appears that Howard Bros originally manufactured their own version 'Dey Time Register' in England (see brochure opposite), with all later imported models showing 'made in the USA' on their dials.

Therefore clock dating wise;

Howard Bros 'Dey Time Register': 1896-1907

'Dey Time Register Ltd' Howard Bros: 1907-1912

'International Time Recording Company': 1912 onwards. (Please see the ITR dating page for more information)

The UK range included smaller 50 employee clocks, 100, 150 and huge 200 employee versions.


Here are examples of the time recorders supplied by each of the 3 different companies:


1) Dey Dial Recorder 50 (with Dey Time Registers Ltd Dial) Circa 1910:

Dey Clock
Dey Clock Dial
Dey Clock Dial Name
Dey Clock - side
Dey Clock Glass


2) Dey Dial Recorder 50 (with ITR Co Ltd Dial) Circa 1920:

Dey Clock
Dey Clock Side
Dey Dial
Dey Mechanism top view
Dey Clock Open Side
Dey Clock Service Notice


3) Dey Dial Recorder 100 made by Howard Brothers Circa 1900 (pictures by kind permission of Andy Rudge):

Howard Bros Dey Recorder
Howard Bros Dey Recorder
Howard Bros Dey Recorder
Howard Bros Dey Recorder
Howard Bros Dey Recorder